Supported Living Services

Supported living, also known as assisted living, is a way to help people live as independently as possible. When someone enters supported living, they have their own home and tenancy agreement. At the same time, they get the help and care they require.

Our specialised support enables people to live happy and fulfilling lives in their own homes and on their own tenancies. Supported living gives people more options and control over how they live their lives.

Who is supported living compatible for?

Supported living services assist adults with a variety of conditions, presentations, and support requirements. This includes people with autism, learning disabilities, or mental health issues. We can also help people who have suffered a brain injury, have physical health issues, or have complex requirements. Our expert teams will tailor the care and support we provide to the individual needs of each person.

We ensure continuity in the care we offer.

  • Staff availability 24 hours per day.

Our support packages range from a few hours per week to one-on-one support.

  • A variety of safe and comfortable living options.

We have formed partnerships with housing providers to provide a variety of accommodation options.

  • Integrated assistive technology.

Some of our properties feature integrated assistive technology promote independence.

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01922 333042

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